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Editor-in-Chief: Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie

Editor: Happi Cynthia

Publisher: African Solution Journal

Expected: July 2024.

Estimated articles: Four-Five. 

Keywords: African armies, local and nation Security, responses to insecurity and terrorism, border governance and local communities’ responses, climate security, RECs, RMs, African Union and African-led Peace Support Operations and United Nations Peacekeeping in Africa, Ad hoc Security Initiative/ arrangements.

Key Themes: Security Studies, Peace and Security, International and Regional Structures and actors and Peace Operations in Africa.

Possible case studies: n/a

Volume 2. Issue 1

Key Questions:

  • How security is distributed at the regional, national and local levels. The root causes of violence, terrorism, and conflict. National security aims and impact on society and responses to insecurity;
  • How does the state wield power and authority and influence and enact policies and decisions concerning public and social life? How are states managing new challenges like climate security, border governance and violence, and what is the impact of bilateral or joint partnerships on these states’ response;
  • What have been and are the responses of international organisations like the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU), and the Regional Economic Community (REC) when it comes to dealing with challenges on the continent?
  • What are new and emerging developments in peace operations, ad hoc security and regional approaches through peacekeeping, peace support operations, and, more broadly, new types of UN and AU political missions?